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Friday, September 9, 2011

Slow Running..

It's been a while since I've blogged... I pretty much took the summer off from any diet plan, and I half heartedly exercised.   For me, I've  realized  that if I don't have goals and a training app, program etc., nothing gets done..  That being said, I have a new goal. I will be running a 10K on Thanksgiving!

I have already done the 5K, time to step it up! I am using the E2 10K app. I like it a lot! I'm in my third week and already, the distance is creeping up in increments. I've also learned that I am a "slow runner" or penguin.  With an average 15:30mm I am pretty darn slow. That's OK me. Slow and steady wins the race. Besides that.. I've never been a runner, I'm 34 years old and still have about 40 pounds to lose. I'm sure I will get a little bit faster as the pounds come off, but for now I'm just going to enjoy the run and accomplishing the distance increase!
I have to go for now, but I promise you, I will write more! I'm a visual person and I love to "see" my triumphs. Even if they are slow!