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Thursday, October 24, 2013

So, I haven't been on here for a long long time now, since October of 2011 to be exact!
So much has happened since then!
I won't bore you with all of the details but... I will say am proud. Proud of me,
proud of my husband and proud of my kids.
Life is about making adjustments with all the ebbs and flows.

As for the weight and exercise, it is still a daily thing. When I ended up getting a job back in 2012,
my health and fitness took a back seat. After a while, I started gaining weight and losing the progress
I had made. So now I'm back to square one. Well not exactly. I am not currently running, but
I am exercising and working on the eating. That is my biggest downfall!
Coming here makes me accountable so, I'm back, with at least a weekly check in!
Tomorrow, I weigh my self, and I'll let you know how much I've lost!
In a couple more weeks, it'll be about the measurements! Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

50 miles.... and more

This isn't about me today. It's about my husband and our two sons. They are going on a 50 mile bike ride today! This activity is for Boy Scouts. If they make it all the way, this will be their third Merit Badge for Bicycling! I love to see them grow and accomplish new things!  I will update you some more when the get back!

On to other news, my youngest Daughter Brianna and I went to her fall carnival at school. Her biggest accomplishment? Winning the cake walk 3 times! I have two packages of cookies and a box of granola bars! Anyone want some cookies?  My oldest daughter Samantha is off to homecoming tonight! I hope she has a great night! Her weekend is packed! Besides homecoming, she is busy haunting people at a local haunted house! I swear nothing scares this girl!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hello World!

Just wanted to say a little hello to you! The kids are now full force in school and we are eagerly awaiting for the fall season to arrive! I long for the cool crisp Autumn days and everything that goes with it. Colorful leaves falling to the ground, pumpkins, soups and most of all the cooler temperatures! It is much harder to get a work out in now as the days are getting shorter. That may be the only down fall of Fall!
What are your favorite things about fall?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Slow Running..

It's been a while since I've blogged... I pretty much took the summer off from any diet plan, and I half heartedly exercised.   For me, I've  realized  that if I don't have goals and a training app, program etc., nothing gets done..  That being said, I have a new goal. I will be running a 10K on Thanksgiving!

I have already done the 5K, time to step it up! I am using the E2 10K app. I like it a lot! I'm in my third week and already, the distance is creeping up in increments. I've also learned that I am a "slow runner" or penguin.  With an average 15:30mm I am pretty darn slow. That's OK me. Slow and steady wins the race. Besides that.. I've never been a runner, I'm 34 years old and still have about 40 pounds to lose. I'm sure I will get a little bit faster as the pounds come off, but for now I'm just going to enjoy the run and accomplishing the distance increase!
I have to go for now, but I promise you, I will write more! I'm a visual person and I love to "see" my triumphs. Even if they are slow!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's not WHAT you know, It's WHO you know.

So....... It's been a while since I have been on here. Lots has been going on in the weight loss world. Some good, some bad! I found I needed to adjust my plan I am going to try 1/2 pound a week. I was on a 2 pound a week plan and let me tell you, it was HARD! Besides feeling deprived and having no energy, I was in fact DEPRIVED! I was low, too low on iron.. This caused my eyebrow hairs to fall out! This was not a pretty site! The only good thing that has come out of this plan is the fact I am between 23 and 25 pounds lost, depending on the time of day.. I would rather have a slow weight loss and not be deprived. Slow and steady is the way for me!
I have been exercising as much, I need to.. It is such a self motivator besides an energy boost and pick me up! I sure need that right now! Looking for jobs is depressing!

I have sent out so many resume's! I recently took a career workshop class, updated my resume' and got tips on how to look for jobs and interview techniques. It is not easy let me tell you! You have to market yourself for a job these days. It's not WHAT you know, It's WHO you know. If you can network, have a good resume' and interview well, you soon have a job. I just wish it was sooner than later! I'll just continue to work at it until I have a job.
In the mean time, I will also  continue to work on myself, enjoy being home with my honey(when he's not at work) and  my  kiddos,  volunteer with my church. I intend to soak up the sun and savor those summer nights!
I hope all of you can find some joys in life. Even if it's small, looking for the positives like the beauty in  nature, can brighten anyone's spirit! Start today!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life Gets In The Way...

Well, it seems right when everything is going oh so well, that thing called life gets in the way! Too many things on my plate, too many events and WAY too much food! And no logging! I have't really exercised for about 2-3 weeks until today.. I finally went! Yeah!  There is a lady at my church who generously volunteers one hour of her time one day a week to give us a work out using Kettlebells.. Those Kettlebells kick your butt!  I am so glad I went! I realized I actually miss it! Exercise is a way for me to relieve stress. It helps regulate my sleep habits and lets me get all that "stinkin' thinkin'" out of my head.. 
I just need to exercise EVERYDAY.. even if it is only for 30 minutes. As most  moms do, I tend to put myself way down the list..  I can see a huge difference in the way I care for my family when I don't put myself first. It's hard to rationalize at first, but really, I am a better wife and mom, when I take care of myself first. The house , the husband and my kids can wait for just a bit..

For this mom is putting herself first! You should too Dads!

P.S. For the record, I'm still under 200 pounds!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Unmotivated... It pretty much sums up how I've been feeling this past week. Just BLAH! I gained a little last week, and haven't made the best food choices and my exercise has well, decreased. I  haven't been religiously logging  my foods and exercise either.  Kinda depressing huh? Well today I jumped on the scale annnndddddd...

I lost 3.4 pounds!!! I also hit one of my mini goals witch is to get out of the 200's club! I now weigh 199.6!!! I will give myself another week before I make the official announcement that I am out of the 200's club!!
I feel so energized! So excited! I feel motivated again!!! Woo Hoo!!